Privacy policy The data administrator is Look Okna Sp. z o.o. company located in Olecko, Szczecinki 46, entered into Register of Companies at KRS number: 0000340537, for which the register files are kept by the District Court in Olsztyn, VIII Economic Faculty of National Court Register, NIP: 847-158-92-49, REGON: 280445297. Data protection is carried out in accordance with the requirements of generally applicable law. Cookies Website uses cookies. ‘Cookies’ are small text files that are sent by the web server and are stored by the browser computer software. When the web browser reconnects with the site, the site recognizes type of device the user is connecting with. Specific parameters allow to read the information contained in them only to the server that created them. In brief, ‘cookies’ make it easier to use previously visited websites. We use them for functioning improvement only. Contact formula Data sent by our contact formula on are necessary for interaction with the customer. Personal data entered in the formula are treated as confidential and are not visible to unauthorized persons.